Friday, July 4, 2008

PR for 1 mile on a down hill course

Hubby 2.0 and ran a 1 mile race which was down hill today. I had a PR of 8:43. It was really nice to have a comfortable fast run I don't know if I ever remember running this fast since I graduated basic training in 1990 and then my 2 mile time was a 16:36.

I'm finding the running and training for a triathlon is helping develop a since of balance in my life.

I've found I need a challenge outside of work these days and I'm enjoying stretching my mind and seeing how far I can push my body. As for pushing my body I'm learning to swim which I am enjoying and learning to ride on a triathlon bike which is really different from a hybrid bike. The tri-bike is faster and lighter.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey friend! When is the triathlon? In light of this post,
you could rename your blog "Pursuit of a Balanced Life". :)
Love you!