Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bass Pro Shop Marathon Springfield, MO

Well, today I registered for the Bass Pro Shop Marathon in Springfield, MO 2 Nov 2008. I made this decision based on a need to increase my intensity to decrease my body fat percentage and the amount of pounds I am carrying around on a daily basis. Due to my being what is considered a typical female I have lost weight over the years in an unhealthy way so, now in my early 40's dropping those last few 10 to 15 lbs is a very difficult thing to do. Even though I have add two new sports to my training I'm still such a novice in both the bike and swim I'm not making a dent in my body composition. So, I decided I needed to go back a put heavier focus on running from now until after the marathon and during the training for my 26.2 I will continue to swim and bike to increase my comfort level so I can reach the fitness I need in those to make a dent.

All while completing my last phase of my military schooling, and this fall taking two doctoral classes.

Balance, what is a Balanced Life. I trying to figure that out.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Let me know when you get it figured out. I am eagerly awaiting the secret. :)