Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tired of taking classes

I'm sure I will muddle through the thoughts I am having now of not really wanting to get back to the nightly grind of sitting in front of my computer to complete assignments for class after having worked all day. Now that I have officially start the class I'm in B7630 Contemporary Accounting Theory I have complete my first year of doctoral class work and beginning my second year. It is hard to believe the year has passed. But, I look at it again an see I won't finish my course work until the end of the spring semester in 2009, ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh two more years of 2 to 3 hours a night, 4 to 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday. Then another year or two researching and writing the dissertation not to mention having to complete comps prior to the dissertation. I know I can do this but right now it seems so far off. Especially when my husband has been able to complete his course work in about 14 to 15 months, because he has the time since he is an adjunct professor teaching two courses each semester.

I ask God to provide me the stamina and perseverance to complete the goal I have set for myself.

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