Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Middle of week 2

Well, I've been very frustrated for the past two days. I have been trying to answer the second part of my assignment this week and could not understand why I was not understanding the question being asked, until about 830pm tonight. I finally looked up the term/concept extraordinary items in the index and found out the concept was not discussed in the readings for this week. Extraordinary items is part of what I am to read for next week. So, I have asked the professor if he wants us to answer the second part of the assignment.

1 comment:

Heather said...

uugggg! My head hurts just thinking about this stuff! But you are muy inteligente and since you did survive a stint in Iraq, I know that you can persevere in this. Looks like I'm not the only one on "Fast-track sanctification". Love ya!