Saturday, September 1, 2007

Frustrations of setting up new computers

Most of our friends by now are aware 'hubby 2.0' and I had both of our 17" laptops stolen (or borrowed for an extended period, hubby's way of dealing with the issue) out of our hotel room this week. We fortunately have the savings to replace the laptops and our insurance company paid our claim within 4 days of us calling in the the loss.

Yesterday we spent most of the day trying to decide whether or not to replace the laptops with desktops or laptops again. We decided to get both desktops and laptops, the desktops we will use at home and keep all of our personal information on the desktops and the laptops for travel. I have at least two more years of traveling to Sarasota to complete the course work for the DBA.

Once we purchased the laptops late yesterday we have spent most of the evening yesterday and the day today trying to establish some since of normalcy to our lives by installing the necessary software and setting up the software to the way we like. It is hard to believe it can take so much time to re-establish your life with the convenience of items and systems you are use to. I have actually felt a sense of loss, I guess that is a bad thing but I'm not sure.

We get the pleasure of setting up computers again when the desktops arrive sometime next week, oh yeah.

Enough complaining, bye.

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