Sunday, August 12, 2007

Steelers pre-season game

Last time I took "hubby 2.0" to the first pre-season game of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Since, I'm not a sports fan I was not really interested in the game but, was fascinated with the fans. I was truly surprised by the number of fans at a pre-season game. The price of food was amazing as well $3.00 for a pretzel and $1.50 for a small tub of cheese to dip the pretzel.

I'm really glad "hubby 2.0" enjoyed himself.


Heather said...

Glad ya'll are finding some time for fun. Love ya!

Helen said...

A captive audience is a wonderful thing for concessions. Go capitalism! Have fun with those residency requirements. In a last desperate attempt to eek some knowledge out of my college career, I signed up for General Biochemistry, so I can understand why you have a "crazy" urge for face-to-face communication.