Monday, June 4, 2007

4 June 07 start of week 5

Well, I'm starting week 5 of this 7 1/2 week course and am keeping me head above water. Today is also the start of week 3 of a running program James (the hubby) started in an effort to get back in shape. I'm so proud of my dear husband and happy that he is running with me, it has been a long time. He is now at 241lbs to 245lbs down from 435lbs (weight at the end of July 06). Our bodies are trying to adjust to working out so we are both tired but it feels good. Because of this tiredness I'm updating my blog instead of reading two chapters, one on Accounting for Income Taxes and the other on Leases but I'm sure I'll find some way to read the chapters, the three Statements of Financial Accounting Standards and the articles I need to research and read for the two assignments due Thursday and Friday of this week; I always seem to find the time even if it is not when I would like for it to be.

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