Monday, July 23, 2007

Feeling Burn out

It has been almost a month since my last post and I no good reason to justify the lack of posting other than feeling burn out. Right around the time of my last post I entered the Army Weight Control Program because I was at 38% body fat when I'm allowed only 36% body fat, so I spent the last month utilizing a diet by the name of the Extreme Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian Smith. I removed 10lbs of excess body weight and dropped 4% on body fat. On Saturday I was officially removed from the Weight Control Program I am now at 34% body fat 2% below my max, the next goal is to remove an additional 20 to 25 pounds of excess weight to where I no longer have to be tapped my max allowable weight is 146 pounds, right now I weight 158 pounds. I was exercising twice a day for two to three days and did not have a day off from exercise.

Another reason for feeling burn out is the doctoral class I'm taking titled Global Challenges, which is a class I looked forward to. When "hubby 2.0" took the class the focus was on the economic challenges of a corporation taking the business but my class is nothing near that focus I am still trying to figure out the focus of the class.

Also, why I am working on this "terminal degree thing" I have been trying to complete the required classes for my next level of military education which is essentially working on a masters at the same time. I have had a busy month and it is not going to slow down because I have wasted 6 months of the 18 months I have to complete my next level of military education.

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